Comparison between a disabled home and a normal home
14 Jul, 2024
About Author
Heidar Talleb Abdraboh Arabeh rnGeneral Secretary of World Disability Union *rn Director of Sharjah Office is a friendly city for people with disabilities.* Board Member for Al Thiqah Club for disable *rn Chairman of the evaluation committees for accessible places for people with disabilities in the world disability unionrn Guinness World Record holder for longest distance of a wheelchair.* Specializes in international standards in urban infrastructure for cities for people with disabilities.* Bachelor of Computer Science from the United States.* Founder for Al Thiqah Projects for Employment and Rehabilitation.* Designer of the first car for the repair of wheelchairs and equipment for people with disabilities.rn Author of awareness stories for people with disabilities.

Designing homes for people with disabilities involves a range of modifications to ensure accessibility, safety, and comfort. Each type of disability requires specific adaptations. Below, I will outline the key differences in engineering design between homes for people with disabilities and regular homes for various types of disabilities:


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