President Message  
The World Disability Union (WDU) was established in 2011  as an inclusive umbrella organization for 400 sub-organizations from 91 countries  with the status of International Qualified Entities. Within the scope of the Convention on the People with Disabilities guaranteed by countries; Disability prevention; Overcoming the disability; within the framework of the WDU Implementation Projects it developed for the inclusion of people with disabilities into the society, it aims at sustainable corporate work and unity with all relevant and competent parties.
Our Vision

With the arrival of people with disabilities nearly 15% of the world population, we aim to be active in cooperation with institutions and organizations that contribute to the development of realistic social policies, Cooperative activities among non-governmental organizations representing persons with disabilities, Provide direct and effective services to increase the financial and administrative capacity of persons with disabilities.

Our Goals  
- Prevention of disability
- Equality of Opportunity
- “Improvements” in Rehabilitation
- Universal Standards
Work Plan  

 1-  Certification of the World Disability Union of Accessible Places for People with Disabilities.

2-  Revision of International Standards for People with Disabilities

3-  Advise Governments to Develop Laws for People with Disabilities

4-  Cooperation with Universities to Develop Curricula for Special Education for People with Disabilities

5-  Organizing a Diploma for the Rehabilitation of Assessors

6-  Giving Social Courses to Serve the Community

7-  Supporting People with Disabilities in all International Forums & Highlighting their Role in them


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