WDU Regional Office honors disability-friendly organizations
08 Dec, 2020
SHARJAH, 7th December, 2020 (WAM) 
As part of its celebration of International Day of Disabled Persons, Regional Office of the World Disability Union, WDU, held its first award ceremony to honor disability-friendly organizations in the UAE that have made their establishments compliant with the needs of the differently abled. The honorees were awarded certificates to accredit them as disability-friendly organizations applying the highest international standards for the disabled.
The honoring ceremony was attended by Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadem, Vice President of the WDU, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Al Thiqah Club for Handicapped and a number of entities’ representatives.
Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadem, expressed his sincere gratitude to all participating entities for their significant role in providing friendly environment for people with disabilities, underscoring that the great decent life that the people with disabilities enjoy today stems from the interest of the wise leadership to give all due rights to people with disabilities .
The WDU, which shifted its regional headquarters to Sharjah in 2019, was established in 2011 as an inclusive umbrella for 150 sub-organizations globally from 68 countries with the status of internationally qualified entities within the scope of the Convention on People with Disabilities, as guaranteed by these countries.
WAM/Tariq alfaham
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