Meeting with the Vice Consul & Economic Officer of The American Consulate - Dubai
12 Oct, 2022

His Excellency / W. LONNIE DING-EVERSON consulate general of the United States of America visited the headquarters of the world disability union, where he was received: by H.E. DR. Tariq Sultan Bin Khadim

First Vice President of the union  

And MR. Heidar Talleb Abdraboh Arabeh

The General secretory the Union

His Excellency the DR. Tariq welcomed their visit and that the world disability union is ready to cooperate with all institutions in order to serve people with disabilities

A full explanation of what the Union doing to serve people with disabilities was presented. and the website of the Union was also presented.

In the end, the Shield of the Union was presented and they were thanked for the visit, where the delegation expressed its admiration for what it heard and that it is pleased to have continuous cooperation with the Union.

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