The Fourteenth World Disability Union Ceremony to Honor the Organizations that have Obtained the World Disability Union Certification
The Fourteenth World Disability Union Ceremony to Honor the Organizations that have Obtained the World Disability Union Certification for Environmentally Friendly Places for People with Disabilities-Sheraton Sharjah
Participation of the World Disability Union in the Sharjah International Forum 2023
فتح باب التسجيل في مسابقة احسن مدينة صديقة للمعاقين
Eröffnung der Nominierungen zur besten umweltfreundlichen Stadt für 2025
Opening of Nominations Best Environmentally Accessible City for 2025
Announcing the Opening of Nominations Best Environmentally Accessible City for 2025
Evaluation Luckone Mall Pakistan
Training course for Sharjah International Airport how to deal with disabilities In the Airport
A Training Course for Employees of Sharjah Aviation Company “Halla” at Sharjah International Airport to Deal with People with Disabilities
World Disability Union Organized a Ramadan Table for People with Disabilities at the Holiday International Hotel Sharjah 20-Mar-2024
Al-Heera Beach raises flag World Disability Union
Visit the headquarters of the WORLD DISABILITY UNION Tatyana McFadden
the President of the World Disability Union Visit to Emirates Association for Visually Impaired
Union celebration for handing over certificates 2023
Inclusion Summit Professional Development Event for Dubai Educators Working in International Inclusion - Dubai Schools
06 NOV The Eleventh Ceremony Honoring For The Institutions Who Have Obtained The Certificate Of The World Disability Union - Holiday International Hotel 06 Nov, 2023
The Eleventh Ceremony Honoring For The Institutions Who Have Obtained The Certificate Of The World Disability Union - Holiday International Hotel
Heidar in the inclusion summit professional development event for abu dhabi educators working in international inclusion 25 oct 23.mp4 photo
inclusion summit professional development event for abu dhabi educators working in international inclusion 25 oct 23.mp4 photo
Car parking for people with disabilities
An awareness film about not putting shoes on the slopes in mosques
world disability union union contribution in organizing Sharjah 2023 International Open Para Athletics Meeting
فلم دعائي للاتحاد العالمي للمعاقين
الاتحاد العالمي للمعاقين يحتفل برفع اعلام الدول الاعضاء في الاتحاد في المقر الرئيسي للاتحاد
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization
The World disability union honors the beaches of Abu Dhabi in the UAE for obtaining the Federation's certificate for places eligible for people with disabilities
Accreditation of the World Disability Union by the United Nations
Environmental Standards for Places of Worship (Mosques)
wdu certificate for accessibility places for disabled person mar 2022
meeting with virtus ipc
شاطئ الخان يحصل على شهادة الاتحاد العالمي للمعاقين لشواطئ المهيئة لذوي الاعاقة
Dec 30, 2021 • شاطئ الخان ينال اعتما الاتحاد العالمي للمعاقين كشاطئ مهيئه لذوي الاعاقة الحركية
تكريم الجهات الحاصلة على شهادات الاتحاد العالمي فس البحرين
The world disability union honors the first cohort that obtained the world disability union Certificate for the places eligible for people with disabilities in the Kingdom of Bahrain
TV interview about the conference on environmental standards for people with disabilities1
The 1st International Conference on Environmental Standards for People with Disabilities second day1
The 1st International Conference on Environmental Standards for People with Disabilities second day
International Conference First day2
International Conference First day1
International Conference First day
congress international integrating friendly society
الشارقة تفوز بالمقر الرئيسي للاتحاد العالمي للمعاقين
The Fifth Ceremony Honoring For Those Who Have Obtained The Certificate Of The World Disability Union wdu
Ceremony Honoring For Those Who Have Obtained The Certificate Of The World Disability Union
Introduction Course To Environmental Standards Of People With Disabilities
الشارقة مدينة صديقة لذوي الاعاقة 2018
The Act hotel UAE Sharjah
Al Hamriya Beach - UAE - Sharjah wdu
مبادرة لتسليط الضؤ على مواهب ذوي الاعاقة wdu
طريقة الانضمام لعضوية الاتحاد العالمي للمعاقين
مقابلة عن مبادرة مواهب ذوي الاعاقة
Pullman Hotel Sharjah
Stick stickers on places eligible for people with disabilities
WDU sticker to approved by world disability union to places prepared to people with disabilities
بلدية الحمرية تتسلم شهادة اعتماد الاتحاد العالمي للمعايير البيئية لذوي الإعاقة في تتويج عالمي جديد
Al Hamriya Beach - UAE - Sharjah
الاتحاد العالمي للمعاقين يكرم الجهات المطبقة للمعايير الخاصة بذوي الاعاقة
تكريم الجهات الفائزة بشهادة الاتحاد العالمي للمعاقين البئية
The Fourth Ceremony Honoring For Those Who Have Obtained The Certificate Of The World Disability Union - Sheraton Hotel
تكريم الجهات الفائزه الحفل الرابع
شرح عن كيفية الانضمام لشهادة الاتحاد العالمي للاماكن المؤهلة لذوي الاعاقة
Family Court - Sharjah - UAE
Souq Al Jubail - Sharjah - UAE
The World Disability Union ... honors the bodies that implement environmental standards for the disabled
A mosque in Sharjah received the World disability Union certificate - Um Ayman Mosque
The Second Ceremony Honoring Those Who Have Obtained The Certificate Of The World Disability Union
Why Sharjah is a disabled-friendly city
The First Ceremony Honoring Those Who Have Obtained The Certificate Of The World Disability Union
wdu 2020
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 03 December 2011
Global accessible tourism congress - World Disability Union (5)
Baby Sign Language presentation by Yasemin Yusufoff at the World Disability Union General Assembly
Film of World Disability Union - WDU made by Hiljmnijeta Apuk - Little People of Kosova
World Disability Union - WDU, General Assembly 6-7 April 2013, Istanbul