The World Disability Union honors environmentally qualified entities for people with disabilities
17 Jan, 2024

The World Disability Union honors environmentally qualified entities for people with disabilities

Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim, Vice President of the World Disability Union, in the presence of Haider Talib Arbai, Secretary-General of the I

World Disability Union, honored Wasit Police Station, Sharjah Police, Al Twar Services Center, Dubai Municipality, and Lux ​​Grand Hotel Apartments, Sharjah, with the International Federation of the Disabled’s certificate of qualified places. environmentally for people with disabilities. Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadem expressed his happiness at the accession of a new group of governmental and private institutions to the International Federation of the Disabled’s certification, which indicates the extent of the keenness of the various groups of society to provide the best services to people with disabilities, who are an integral part of Society groups, thus bringing the number of entities and institutions that have obtained the International Federation of Disabled Persons’ certificate for environmentally qualified spaces to 129 entities inside and outside the United Arab Emirates. In the future, we will have special courses for people with disabilities in various fields, in addition to that we will sign memorandums of understanding with many parties inside and outside the UAE to serve people with disabilities.

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Since these entities have made great efforts to improve their environments so that they suit people with disabilities and enable them to use their facilities with ease and ease, and as a culmination of these efforts that they have made, to make their places environmentally qualified to serve people with disabilities, it was necessary for us to appreciate these efforts through this honor. .

Brigadier Yousef Obaid Al Shamsi, Director of the Comprehensive Centers Department at the Sharjah Police General Command, said, on behalf of Major General Saif Al Zari Al Shamsi, Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police, he expressed his happiness at Wasit Police Station obtaining the silver status and that this is not strange for Sharjah Police, as Al Gharb Police Station has won. With this certificate previously, as they seek to provide all the services that a disabled person needs and facilitate his access to all channels of police stations, and that in the coming period they will seek to prepare the rest of Sharjah police stations to serve people with disabilities, and to prepare the Wasit and Al Gharb police stations in a better way to obtain the golden status, in order to complete The system will make all Sharjah Police stations ready to receive persons with disabilities easily and conveniently.

For his part, Colonel Ahmed Saleh Al Suwaidi, Director of the Wasit Police Station at the Sharjah Police General Command, said that under the directives of His Highness the Ruler, His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, and His Excellency the Director of the Center’s Administration, we will harness all the resources present at the Wasit Police Station so that the best services are provided to people with disabilities, and from here we obtained the Silver status. We are seeking to obtain gold status in the coming period through the upcoming evaluation and fulfillment of all required standards and observations.

In honoring Al Twar Services Center, Dubai Municipality, Saeed bin Salam, Director of the Municipality Buildings and Facilities Maintenance Department, mentioned, on behalf of Dawoud Al Hajri, Director General of Dubai Municipality, who follows in the footsteps of their Highnesses the Sheikhs, may God protect and preserve them, to pay attention to people of determination, to provide all their requirements and needs, and to provide them with the necessary support in various fields, empowering them and integrating them with other groups of society.

Issam Taha Mohamed, sales manager at Lux Grand Hotel Apartments, said about this honor, that by obtaining the certificate, we will be able to attract people with disabilities, the elderly, and tourists to the hotel more and more widely, and that we are happy with this honor, which we consider a distinctive addition to the hotel.


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