Sharjah Livestock Market
21 Jul, 2022

The World Disability Union honors the Sharjah Livestock Market for its application of international standards to serve people of Disability

press releases

July 20, 2022


In recognition of its contributions to supporting people of determination, the International Federation of the Disabled honored, at its headquarters in the Emirate of Sharjah, the management of the "Sharjah Livestock Market", one of the projects of the Sharjah Asset Management Company, the investment arm of the Government of Sharjah, for applying international standards to serve people of determination and adopting it as a friendly entity for them.

His Excellency Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim, President of the Emirates Federation for the Disabled, and Vice President of the World Federation for the Disabled, in turn, handed a shield and a certificate of honor to Eng. Abdullah Al Shamsi, Director of the Sharjah Livestock Market, in the presence of Fatima Al Banna, Acting Director - Media and Communication Department at Sharjah Asset Management Company, and Eng. Hanan Al Jasmi Head of Department - Livestock Market Operations.

His Excellency Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim said: The work of the World Federation of the Disabled is in line with the directives of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi - Member of the Supreme Council - Ruler of the Emirate of Sharjah (supporter of the disabled), to make the Emirate of Sharjah a friendly emirate for people with disabilities. As the efforts of the Federation in evaluating public places in the city of Sharjah, in an effort to make the largest possible number of places environmentally qualified and considerate for persons with disabilities, and to spread the culture and standards of the World Federation of the Handicapped.

On the largest possible area, not only at the level of the Emirate of Sharjah and the United Arab Emirates, but at the world level.

Bin Khadem added: Considering that the Sharjah Livestock Market is one of the important places that people with disabilities can visit, the evaluation committee of the World Federation of the Disabled conducted a field assessment of the market and the slaughterhouse, and found that it is one of the places that take into account people with disabilities and the elderly at the same time, so they were honored. The culmination of their efforts to make the market an environmentally qualified place for people with disabilities, and this is not strange for the government service departments in the Emirate of Sharjah, especially the departments and entities affiliated with Osoul Company.

He stressed that we, at the World Federation of the Handicapped, are working to put all our capabilities to provide consultations and assessments, whether in the field or through live programs for any governmental or private agency, in order to integrate people with disabilities into society. The Federation is still evaluating many places inside and outside the United Arab Emirates.

Eng. Abdullah Al Shamsi said: “This honor comes in appreciation of the great and continuous efforts made by “Sharjah Asset Management” to achieve its social responsibility towards the people of determination, by making all the projects that fall under the company’s umbrella appropriate for them, supporting them and helping them to achieve their aspirations by providing the services and facilities they need and overcoming them. Sanctions that facilitate their tasks and work within the highest standards applied internationally in this field and the provision of techniques, mechanisms and systems that

It helps them to use all facilities, visit and move between various projects easily and conveniently, which contributes to their integration into society.

Al Shamsi added: “We are very proud of this honor that was won by the Sharjah Livestock Market, which came as an inevitable result of the diligent and continuous work we are doing to develop all facilities and services on an ongoing basis to suit the different segments of society, especially the category of people of determination. Easy access to all market facilities.

It is noteworthy that Sharjah Asset Management Company is a company with a global reputation in the field of building wealth, and was established exclusively by the Government of Sharjah. For the Sharjah government, the path to achieving economic diversification is through the expansion of multiple industries and the development of world-class facilities for sustainable investment opportunities.

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