MGGEU and the World Disability Union: Cooperation Horizons
20 Jul, 2020

The 5th Assembly of the World Disability Union took place in Moscow on May 20 and 21, 2017. The delegation from our University headed by Vagif Deirushevich Bairamov, the rector, presented the stages of inclusive education formation in Russia as implemented at Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics.

85 member-states of the World Disability Union showed enthusiastic interest for the unprecedented inclusive education system where 474 students with special needs (62 wheelchairers including) are taught alongside their general education peers.

The key issue of Vagif Bairamov’s speech was his address to Mr. Metin Shenturk, the President of the World Disability Union in which he asked to support the Russian Paralympic team in the UN. The member-states voiced unanimous approval.

The Assembly resulted in agreement on mutual cooperation between the WDU and MGGEU on issuing Russian college diplomas to citizens of WDU member-states which will secure their decent employment, offering opportunities for self-fulfillment.

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